
oggtag is a tiny command-line editor for description tags in Ogg Vorbis files. It can set all the tags suggested by the Ogg Vorbis specification on one or several files at a time.


 oggtag [-a artist] [-d description] [-g genre] [-l album]
        [-n track number] [-o organization] [-p performer] 
        [-t title] [-v version] [-C copyright] [-D date]
        [-H disc id] [-I ISRC number] [-L location]
        [-M contact] <ogg files>
To set different tags on different files, type:
 oggtag <tags for file1> file1.ogg <tags for file2> file2.ogg ...
Tags that are defined for one file will be used as default values for the following files, unless they are redefined later on the command line.


The sources should be POSIX-compliant. I only compiled it under Linux though.


Download oggtag 1.0
(C source and Debian package are available)


oggtag is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Project hosted by SourceForge Logo ;Last update: 5/12/2002 by krys (e-mail: krys_ at gmx dot com)